Aberdeen Proving Ground Chapter Representative
Mr. Robert K. (Ken) Dalton
Newark, DE
Phone: (302) 366-8232
e-mail: Ken_Dalton@verizon.net
Arizona Chapter Representative
Mr. Doug Ogden
Tucson, AZ
Work Phone: (520) 901-9041
Fax: (520) 886-0399
e-mail: Doug.Ogden@ReliaSoft.com
At-Large Chapter Representative
Mr. Mark Durivage
Lafayette, IN
Phone: (765) 412-6960
e-mail: mdurivage@hotmail.com
Belvoir Chapter Representative
Mr. Woody Rabon
Merritt Island, FL
e-mail: wrabon@hotmail.com
Brazil Chapter Representative
Mr. Claudio Spano
e-mail: cladio.spano@reliasoft.com
Buffalo Chapter Representative
Mr. David Auda
e-mail: davidauda@yahoo.com
Capital Region Chapter Representative
Li Ming
e-mail: ming.li.isu@gmail.com
China Chapter Representative
Mr. Peng Zhaoguang
e-mail: ghuapeng@gmail.com
Greater Houston Chapter Representative
Mr. Troy Schwartz
Phone:(281) 202-7989
e-mail: tschwartz98@gmail.com
Huntsville Chapter Representative
Ms. Mary Ann Brothers
US Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command
Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center
Redstone Arsenal, Alabama 35898-5000
Phone: (256) 876-1216
e-mail: presidenthsv@sre.org
Minnesota Chapter Representative
Mr Mingxiao Jiang
e-mail: Mingxiao.jiang@medtronic.com
Orlando-KSC Chapter Representative
Mr Alfred Stevens
200 Cordoba Ct, Merritt Island, FL 32953
e-mail: astevens@ieee.org
Ottawa Chapter Representative
Mr. James P. Menard
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Phone: 819 997 7521
e-mail: JAMES.MENARD@forces.gc.ca
Rochester Corporate Chapter Representative
Mr David Auda
e-mail: davidauda@yahoo.com
Silicon Valley Chapter Representative
Mr. Fred Schenkelberg, ASQ CRE & CQE
15466 Los Gatos Blvd., #109-371
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Phone: (408)710-8248
E-mail: fms@garlic.com
Suburban Maryland Chapter Representative
Mr. Aron Brall
e-mail: aron.brall-1@nasa.gov
Toronto Chapter Representative
Mr. Jeff Bush
Phone: (416) 748-4424 x5908
e-mail: Jeffrey.Bush@ThalesGroup.com